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What Do You Want People To Do?

After the sale is made, you have a BIG opportunity. But first you have to get clear on the steps you want someone to take. In this episode I outline an example of the customer growth path that moves our community members along the journey to becoming the best possible customer.

Big Ideas

When someone enters your world as a community member, what do you want them to do? Here are the steps to consider…

Join [03:55] 

You want people to join your community. If you have a community, whether it be a free community or a membership site, you want people to join. 

Listen [04:19] 

Then you want those people who joined, to listen. If a member is not listening to what you’re sharing and consuming your content, then they’re not going to be engaged, they’re not going to get results, and they’re going to completely fall off the radar.

Engage [05:00] 

Then you want them to engage. Listening is one part, but engaging with the content is something totally different. As an example, engagement could look like leaving a comment, posting a question, responding to a survey – in addition to a variety of other ways. The more they engage, the more committed they are to put what you’re sharing into practice.  And if they engage at a higher level, they’re going to get better results.

Act [05:52]

This is one of the most vital steps in the growth path journey. This is when they put what you’re sharing into practice. If nobody acts on what you’re sharing, they’re never going to get results. And if they don’t get results, then you’re missing out on the most powerful marketing asset in your business… Stories.

Share [07:15]

When we go into a launch for our signature TRIBE program, we have a lot of our TRIBE alumni share their experiences with others. Last year, 5 of our top 10 joint venture partners were past TRIBE alumni. Why were they so successful? It’s because they had a great story to tell. They had gone through TRIBE, put what we were teaching into practice, and got amazing results. So, it’s important to have people share their experiences and invite others that they know who could benefit from that same experience.

Lead [08:25]

Not everyone will get to this point in the growth path. But there will be certain people who rise up and become leaders in your community. And you definitely want those people. You want people like that in your community to show others what it means to be a great member; what it means to show up, contribute, put things into practice, and so much more. 

Next Steps [09:44]

So, the above is what we want people to do within a membership community. But what do you want people to do when they become a client or customer of yours? Remember, the job isn’t done when you make the sale, it’s just getting started. You have to get intentional about what you want people to do next. 

When someone joins your email list, what do you want them to do next? When somebody buys from you, what do you want them to do next? When someone joins your free facebook group, what do you want them to do next? 

Get intentional, start mapping out the next steps, and start moving people from one stage to the next.  

Memorable Quote

When you get clear on what you want people to do next, you get clear on how to move someone along the journey to becoming the best possible customer.” – Stu McLaren


MYB 020: The Circle of Awesomeness

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