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The Two Must-Have Ingredients in a Successful Marketing Promotion

Brief Overview

In this episode Stu shares the two must-have components you need in every marketing message that you craft. It doesn’t matter how you’re communicating (video, social media, newsletter, etc.) your marketing needs to have these two components. If it doesn’t, then your marketing’s going to fall flat and it will never get the results that you want.

Big Ideas

[01:14] Stu tells a powerful story to demonstrate how business owners can change the perception of their products by tapping into the “Internal” and “External” problems that people face.

[03:29] External problems are connected with your audiences logical side. They are the issues people are thinking about in their heads. It’s what your audience is typing into Google when they want to solve a problem. These are the problems that 99% of marketers will address in their communication. However, if you only focus on the external, you’re missing a the mark!

[04:00] Internal problems are what keeps your audience up at night. These are the deeper problems and concerns that your audience will rarely talk about but are most definitely feeling. These are the emotional issues, like fear, shame, embarrassment, self-limiting beliefs, recognition, the desire to be loved or to belong, and so on. When you speak to these problems in your marketing, you open up the hearts of your audience in a much bigger way.

[08:30] If you want your marketing to convert, you want to appeal to both the external and internal problems and challenges that your market is facing. If you can tap into both, you can change the perception of your product/service, make a true connection with your audience, and turn prospects into buyers.

Quotes to Remember

The internal problem is what keeps your audience up at night. Think about them lying in bed with their eyes closed but they’re not asleep because something is keeping them awake. What is it? Why can’t they sleep? Whatever that is, you need to make a note of it.” – Stu McLaren

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Looking For My 5-Part Strategy?

I’m no longer offering my 5-part strategy that launched our brand new business (mentioned at the end of the episode). Why? Well, it’s a little dated. But I have good news for you…

I breakdown our BIGGEST launch ever in this two-part series for FREE. You can listen now right here!